Dear colleagues,
Few weeks ago I received an invitation from the teaching council to the FEILTE 2013. I replied and confirmed my attendance to the event. At the time I thought: “Well why not! I might learn few interesting things.” It went beyond my expectations.
After each workshop I took part in, each stand I visited and each presenter/teacher I talked to, I felt I had learnt something important, worth giving a shot and that I’d like to share (thus this article…). The event lasted the whole day but you can arrive/leave anytime you like. You can wander around the Royal Hospital Kilmainham AND you get free food and coffee/tea all day long!
I only stayed for 4 hours, but it flew by so quickly. FEILTE seemed to me a great place to learn, share and talk to other teachers. I remember cycling home thinking: “Wow, I did not expect to be blown away by so many ideas.” So if you have not gone yet, I can only recommend you to try to attend it next year.
Following is a gathering of the different notes I took during the day and a bit of research I did tonight. I hope some of these information will arouse your curiosity…
TL21, “teaching and learning for the 21st century”: Collaborative professional development and research project between schools in the Leinster region and the Education Department of NUIM. Interesting topic to look into: “The Jigsaw technique” –– Barrie Bennett, “Beyond Monet, The Artful Science of Instructional Integration” –
Teach meet, “If your idea works in your class, then share it!”: Gathering of teachers to share current effective ideas for the classroom. Share activities, ideas, experience, examples… No sale involved. Very short presentations. Check the introductory video on and videos from past teach meets on
Fighting words, “the write to right”: A free creative writing centre, located beside Croke Park. Book in advance. Can take up to 30 students. Free of charge. They organise workshop which cater for all forms of creating writing. It could be a great idea for TY students! –
BEO, “ Dear Irish and Music teachers… have you already heard about BEO?”: Students are charged to set up a gig within their school community. They
deal with all the aspects of the project. There is a 10000 euro prize. 3000 euros prize as well for writing a song in Irish. –
How I learn, “A book about the different learning styles”: This book is a gathering of about 30 different people’s experience on how they learn about their personal methods to remember things which are efficient for themselves (learning by singing something, writing in different colours…). All the 15 euros goes to the Barnardos charity. How I learn, editor: Helen Bullock, Hibernia college Dublin
Young social innovators, “Another great idea for TY students!”: Youth led. Team Based. Working in teams of 5-25 young people identify a social issue of concern to them and/or their community or further afield, explore it and come up with innovative actions and responses which they put into practice. –
IPPEA, “Irish Primary PE association”: We jumped and danced in the courtyard of the Royal hospital. Even learnt few interesting activities I could definitely use in my French class. 10 euros membership for a year and you get access to all their resources.
Bridge 21, “Explore, Uncover, Create”: A group of current 5th year students explained to me all about this breathtaking project. This project is currently available for free for all TY students. The idea behind it: every weeks 24 students from different schools are taking part in a 5 days program. Students will improve their technical and team work skills. It takes place in Trinity college and students get the chance to hang out with some current students from Trinity. Because it is fully booked for this current school year, it could be something to look into for the next academic year. Program director: Kevin Sullivan ( –
Irish Deaf Kids, “supporting inclusive education”: Caroline Carswell ( is more than happy to come talk to TY students and organise workshops in the schools. –
Access to online research on EBSCO, “Plenty of bedside table reading!”: Registered teacher have now access to the EBSCO education source package, a collection of over 1700 journals and a selection of eBooks in the field of education. – Log in with your Registration number to the teaching council registration website and access the resources. –
Other websites I heard about:
.TES, “think, educate, share”: UK website to find and share teaching resources:, “Create free games, quizzes, activities and diagrams in seconds!”:, “Create & share quiz”: Mostly used for Science, Maths, Languages and Geography, but can be used for any other subjects as long as you have the ideas! You can create an account, set up tests online that your students will take (in computer room or from home), results are savec in your teacher account.
.CESI, “Computers in Education Society of Ireland”: CESI supports the development of methodologies that help to bond new technologies with pedagogy. –
Thanks for reading and I wish you all an amazing school year with plenty of great ideas!