2019/20 – Junior cycle – Semaine du 27 avril au 4 mai

Bonjour tout le monde!

So here we are, second week back to school. Here are some info for you all:

All assignments are du by Monday the 4th of May. Best is if you do them during your assigned French class. However feel free to organise your work differently if it fits better with your schedule.

Here is the “top 5” of last week’s Kahoot on the theme of “Pâques”. Well done to he 50 students who took part in it!

This week we have two students who created online activities for all to enjoy. You can find Emilie’s activity on “Cyprien”, a French youtubeur talking about his memories of school in France. As for Daniel, he focused on the topic of wild life and humankind with an activity on the trailer of the movie “Terra”. Merci à tous les deux!

And finally our weekly extra online activity from TV5monde.org

Niveau débutant – Nous rêvons d’aller dans un pays francophone (niveau A1)

Niveau élémentaire – Nous osons une autre communication (niveau A2)

Niveau intermédiaire – Portrait d’un majordome (niveau B1)

Et c’est parti!

Mr Porzadny

1st years:


Correction des devoirs

Kahoot sur les verbes en IR:


Révision prépositions de lieu :


Exercice intéractif :


Gauche = to the left

Droite = to the right

DM (to be done during Thursday’s French timetabled class) : Réviser les préposition de lieu + corriger les questions de l’oral + apprendre par cœur les verbes en -IR + any 3 exercises of your choosing from : https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/ET2/IR_Verbs/Index.htm


Watch the following video to learn a little about the 1st of May which is a holiday in France.

Try your best to answer the following questions linked to the video. It’s ok if you don’t get everything. Just try your best. The answers to the questions can be found at the very bottom of this post.

  1. What were american workers asking for during a protest on the 1st of May 1886?
  2. What happened in the city of chicago?
  3. What was the 1st of May until recently?
  4. What happened in 1919?
  5. What was the consequences of the law of 1947?
  6. Finally, what is also the meaning of the 1st of May?

Finally, do the following kahoot on French holidays and traditions.


La maison de…

Votre carte d’identité d’agent immobilier:

  • Bonjour je m’appelle Brick.
  • Je suis agent immobilier.
  • J’ai un an.
  • J’habite à Wuhan en Chine.
  • Je suis petit et fort.
  • J’aime le couscous et les immeubles (a building).

Physical description -> grand, petit, sportif, fort, blond

Personality -> triste, intelligent, paresseux, content, généreux

Révision: “Il y a” + pièces de la maison (p142 + p138)

Il y a (= there is / there are) une entrée, une salle à manger, une cuisine, un salon, une chambre, des toilettes, une salle de bain et une buanderie.

Description de l’activité “vente (vendre = to sell) aux enchères” (description d’un élève, € 100, vente aux enchères, acheter la maison où un trésor est caché…)

Choix de votre maison (ordre aléatoire).

  • La maison des sept nains – Patrick
  • La maison de bob l’éponge – Ciara & Juliet
  • La maison de cendrillon – Barra
  • La maison blanche – Lochlan
  • La maison de Fortnite – Fionnuala
  • La maison du président irlandais – Sadbh
  • La maison de James Joyce – George
  • La maison de Taylor Swift – Ava
  • La maison du Président français – Michael & Aaron
  • La maison de Minecraft – Cillian & Hugo
  • La maison de Bilbo le Hobbit – Alannah
  • La maison d’Ironman – Ellie
  • La maison de Dark vador – Ali & Yubo
  • La maison d’Astérix et Obélix – Andrew & Francesca
  • La maison de Gaudi – Rachel

Exemple de description d’une maison (la maison des septs nains).

Brick: “La maison est confortable et chaleureuse. Il y a un grand jardin et il y aussi une belle vue. La maison est un petit cottage dans le bois (the wood). Dans la maison il y a une grande chambre, il y (there) fait (for temperature) chaud, il ya un joli petit chat et aussi une grande cave avec beaucoup de jeux vidéo.” 

DM: Write your ID card in a google doc in the appropriate section on Google classroom + Write a description of the house you have chosen (no need to upload it, will be used next class). Feel free to use online tools such as dictionaries, translators, etc. However if you use translators try not to translate whole sentences but rather words. You still have to make the effort of creating the sentence using your current knowledge of the French language.


Do the assigned homework during the last two online lessons (Monday’s and Wednesday’s class).

2nd years:


Watch the following video to learn a little about the 1st of May which is a holiday in France.

Try your best to answer the following questions linked to the video. It’s ok if you don’t get everything. Just try your best. The answers to the questions can be found at the very bottom of this post.

  1. What were american workers asking for during a protest on the 1st of May 1886?
  2. What happened in the city of chicago?
  3. What was the 1st of May until recently?
  4. What happened in 1919?
  5. What was the consequences of the law of 1947?
  6. Finally, what is also the meaning of the 1st of May?

Finally, do the following kahoot on French holidays and traditions.

Mardi (online lesson):

Révision “le futur proche”:

Dylan mange une pomme…hmmmmm c’est bon!

Lochlan -> Dylan va manger une pomme.

Luke: put the mange into its infinitive (manger) then use to go (in present tense) into it (dylan va + manger)

Futur proche = aller in the present tense + add the infinitive of the verb

Olivia parle à Evie. -> Olivia va parler à Evie.

Danny finit ses devoirs. -> Danny va finir ses devoirs.

Andrew va au supermarché. -> Andrew va aller au supermarché.

Le futur simple!

  1. Take the infinitive of the verb (manger, partir, vendre, etc.). Careful -RE verbs drop the E
  2. Add the endings of the futur simple: ai, as, a, onz, ez, ont (which look very similar to the verb avoir in the present tense: J’ai, Tu as, Il a, Nous avons, Vous avez, Ils ont)
  3. Be careful there are some irregular verbs. Learn the most important ones that you can find page 60 of your book and here https://fr.tsedryk.ca/grammaire/futur/FUTUR_SIMPLE.htm


Match: https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Future/1022.htm 

Regular verbs: https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Future/1024.htm

Irregular verbs: https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Future/1026.htm

DM (to be done during Wednesday’s French timetabled class):

orange box p43 + start learning your irregular verbs (in the future tense) + pick 2 exercises from this page https://www.languagesonline.org.uk/French/Grammar/Future/index.htm


Do the homework from yesterday’s class. If you have some time left, feel free to do one of the “Extra” activities of the week (you can find them in the introduction section of this post).


Correction orange box p43

  1. Il lira. Elles danseront. Tu boiras. Nous attendrons. Elle tombera. Vous saisirez. Je mettrai. IL écrira. Tu prendras. Ils joueront. Vous partirez.
  2. Tu écouteras. Nous partirons. Vous voyagerez. Ils travailleront. Elle écrira.

Irregular verbs p60 

Kahoot: https://create.kahoot.it/details/le-futur-simple/a814449f-8f9c-4fc6-940a-a09a45de43da

Summer exam

DM: start learning the Irregular verbs p60 + Orange box p61 + copy vocab p98 + listening p99

3rd years (group 1):


Watch the following video to learn a little about the 1st of May which is a holiday in France.

Try your best to answer the following questions linked to the video. It’s ok if you don’t get everything. Just try your best. The answers to the questions can be found at the very bottom of this post.

  1. What were american workers asking for during a protest on the 1st of May 1886?
  2. What happened in the city of chicago?
  3. What was the 1st of May until recently?
  4. What happened in 1919?
  5. What was the consequences of the law of 1947?
  6. Finally, what is also the meaning of the 1st of May?

Finally, do the following kahoot on French holidays and traditions.

Mardi (1/2 – online lesson):

Correction orange box p267

Comparatif (2/2):

better / worse than = meilleur que / pire que (+ adjectif) Les chaussures d’Obélix sont meilleures que celle d’Astérix. OR mieux que ( + verbes): -> Idéfix saute mieux qu’ Obélix / Idéfix court moins bien qu’ Astérix.

Exercice en ligne: https://www.didierlatitudes.com/exercices/latitudes2/unite-4-latitudes2/dire-quon-aime-quon-prefere-3/

Le superlatif (avec Asterix, Obélix et Idéfix).

PLus grand que -> le plus grand

Moins grand que -> le moins grand

The best / the worst = le meilleur / le pire


Obélix est le plus grand.

Astérix est le moins grand = Astérix est le plus petit.

Les chaussures d’Obélix sont les plus grandes.

La plus grosses moustaches appartient à Obélix.

DM: exercices p276 + take notes from p286 + blue box p286 + exercice en ligne: https://www.didierlatitudes.com/exercices/latitudes2/unite-4-latitudes2/dire-quon-aime-quon-prefere-4/

Mardi (2/2):

Start working on you past paper Sample E. Type in Google doc and upload in the “Papiers d’examen” section on Google classroom your answer to the following written question (“JC 2016” instead of question 18):

You are on a school exchange in France, and are staying with a French family. Write a letter in
French to your penpal Annette who lives in another part of France. In your letter
– apologise for not writing sooner and give an excuse
– describe the family with whom you are staying
– tell her about some things you like/dislike about France
– say that you are going to spend a few days in Paris next week
– invite her to come to Ireland during the summer holidays.

Use the French period on Thursday to try and finish the past paper. If you are not finished by then, finish it for Monday the 4th of May.


Use this period to finish your Past paper sample E and the written question “JC 2016.

3rd years (group 2):


Watch the following video to learn a little about the 1st of May which is a holiday in France.

Try your best to answer the following questions linked to the video. It’s ok if you don’t get everything. Just try your best. The answers to the questions can be found at the very bottom of this post.

  1. What were american workers asking for during a protest on the 1st of May 1886?
  2. What happened in the city of chicago?
  3. What was the 1st of May until recently?
  4. What happened in 1919?
  5. What was the consequences of the law of 1947?
  6. Finally, what is also the meaning of the 1st of May?

Finally, do the following kahoot on French holidays and traditions.


Start working on you past paper Sample E. Type in Google doc and upload in the “Papiers d’examen” section on Google classroom your answer to the following written question (“JC 2016” instead of question 18):

You are on a school exchange in France, and are staying with a French family. Write a letter in
French to your penpal Annette who lives in another part of France. In your letter
– apologise for not writing sooner and give an excuse
– describe the family with whom you are staying
– tell her about some things you like/dislike about France
– say that you are going to spend a few days in Paris next week
– invite her to come to Ireland during the summer holidays.

Don’t forget to sign off.

If you are not finished today, finish the past paper for Monday the 4th of May.


Correction orange box p267


Comparatif (2/2):

better / worse than: meilleur que / pire que (noun)

Exercice en ligne: https://www.didierlatitudes.com/exercices/latitudes2/unite-4-latitudes2/dire-quon-aime-quon-prefere-3/


Le superlatif (avec Asterix, Obélix et Idéfix).


Le plus + adjectif -> Obélix est le plus fort.

Le moins + adjectif -> Idéfix est le moins fort.

Best -> le meilleur / worst -> le pire


The best = Le mieux -> Il écrit le mieux.


Exemples: (petit / gros / intelligent / -> moustache)

Feminine:  La moustache d’Astérix est le plus belle.

Masculine: Obélix est le plus grand/gros de l’équipe. (Obélix is the biggest of the team). Astérix est le plus intelligent.

Plural: Les chaussures d’Obélix sont les plus grandes.

DM: exercices p276 + take notes from p286 + blue box p286 + exercice en ligne: https://www.didierlatitudes.com/exercices/latitudes2/unite-4-latitudes2/dire-quon-aime-quon-prefere-4/

Here are the answers of the questions from the video on the 1st of May:

  1. What were american workers asking for during a protest on the 1st of May 1886? 8 hours of work per day.
  2. What happened in the city of chicago? Riots took place and several policemen and workers died.
  3. What was the 1st of May until recently? A day to pay respect for those who died in 1986 and also a day of protest for workers rights.
  4. What happened in 1919? Workers finally got their work time reduced to 8 hours per day.
  5. What was the consequences of the law of 1947? Employers had to pay their employees on the 1st of May even though they had a day off.
  6. Finally, what is also the meaning of the 1st of May? A time to spend with the family and to give to someone some lilies of the valley.

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